The Shape of Things

A surreal week has provided an opportunity to immerse myself in the studio, much more than usual. A creative activity takes your mind in a different direction for a few hours, and it is so necessary to escape, even for a short moment, as we weather this storm. 

The extra time at my bench has allowed me to develop and play with a new fabrication technique. I am discovering endless possibilities for interesting shape shifting designs and combinations. So many, that I need to decide what to focus on and what to set aside for the future.

While I’ve had failures during this phase, some cool successes were achieved too. Failure is helpful because we learn why something isn’t working, and rather than giving up, it challenges us to figure out a solution. What a profound sense of accomplishment when that happens.

The next exciting step is turning these little sculptures into jewelry. I will share them with you soon, hoping they bring you joy. 

As we forge ahead, my thoughts continue to be with everyone who depends on their small business to pay the bills. I know this too shall pass, and praying that it ends quickly. 

For now, this is the shape of things and we must make the best of it, for when it’s over our strength will propel us forward. 

Stay well my friends.



Flashback to Jewelry Class

While soldering at my bench today, I had a flashback to my first jewelry class and lesson. That very first day, our fabulous instructor made us create solder tags to teach us how to use our brand new jeweler’s saw. These are designed to keep solder organized by type, hard (H), medium (M) and easy (E), and I have had these same well-worn tags for over 20 years!

Metalsmiths are always sharing their favorite way of storing and organizing this staple of the studio. Contemplating a new method happens occasionally, but as they say, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it. Fairly comfortable with my tried and true, I will continue to use these tags for the foreseeable future. They are a practical piece of “studio jewelry” that will always take me back to those first days of immersing myself in this amazing craft.


Forever Experimenting

Trying new fabrication techniques is one of the most gratifying ways of experimentation. This particular technique has my mind racing with possibilities! I can’t wait to share my completed jewelry designs! For now, here are just a couple forms and shapes in progress.


Designing Jewelry AND a Forever Home

Busy does not even describe the last year of my life! Selling a home, moving most everything to storage, relocating to a new city, making due in an apartment and continuing, or should I say struggling, to make jewelry, in addition to designing and building a forever home with my husband. If you read my Temporary Studio Blues blog, you already know about our relocation and how ecstatic we are to be back in Kansas City.

Through all the hard work, more than a few frustrations, and surviving apartment dwelling, we finally have the keys to our new home. Next comes the fun part of unpacking and placing our household that has been in storage this whole while. To say we are blessed to be in our forever home would be an understatement. We worked very hard to get to this amazing point in our lives, and we are so excited for this next chapter, enjoying family, friends and whatever life brings our way.

The good news is I have my own dedicated studio, equipped with running water, great lighting and all my equipment in one place. No more running from the second story out to the garage and back again, multiple times a day.

Once I am organized and the studio is up an running I will update you with more images of my new space.


The Simple Circle

“June” Simple Circle Earring

“June” Simple Circle Earring

The most basic geometric shape is the circle, and I use them regularly in my work. Finding inspiration for designs with circles are everywhere! Just look around and no doubt you will see at least one within your view. 

The possibilities of incorporating a circle in my jewelry are endless, and I know I will never make every design drawn in my sketchbook and swirling around in my mind’s eye!

The “Jane” earrings celebrate this uncomplicated shape in its purist form, making them an essential and elemental part of any wardrobe. You can find several designs incorporating the circle on my website here! I embellish a few with pearls and gold, I leave others unembellished and let them speak for themselves. Maybe there is a pair that speaks to you.

 Enough said, since Leonardo Di Vinci said it best:

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”
